Wednesday, February 1, 2012

House Of Joy.

House Of Joy. It's a house (duh, as said by the name of it), is a non-profit  home that provides shelter and care to children that are less fortunate, neglected, abused, and abandoned. The house have been established since 1st August 1992 by Rev Tang Chee Sing and his wife Lee Ching Mun. Apart from it being a children's home, shelter and care are provided to underprivileged old folks as well.

In a nut shell, House of Joy aims to reach out to these needy people, as well as to cultivate an in-depth worth of change for them. Therefore, love, education, counselling and transformation are thrust among the children and teenagers as so that, they will be nurtured to useful adults and ready to take up life hardships.

So far, interns from China have been to House Of Joy to bring up the children there by educating them as well as being a pillar of support for them emotionally and physically.

So. What's next in store for House Of Joy? Stay tuned to find out!

PS: Roses, Camp..children, oh yes, CHILDREN will be involved :D

Thank You for reading this post!! Here is a little something to treat yourself.
Double Vision Square Dance by Taylor's University Executive Board Team.



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