20th July 2008
As the saying goes “a picture paints a thousand words”. This post won’t be lengthy. Read the main points and let the pictures and videos tell you some indescribable moments.
Date: 20th July, Sunday
1-2pm Arrival of guests
2-3pm Story telling by Contestant No. 1- 6
3-330pm Interval-Games
330-4pm Story telling by contestant No. 7-11
4pm Prize presentation
Hey Hey Hey!
Today we get to see the children present. It’s a challenge of guts and creativity.
You’ll be surprise how these kids perform. Although, it was a bit too much of noise and distraction, all of us who attended had fun.
Special thanks to Issac and Cecilia for being the judges.
Also thanks to Ke Vin, Leon, Wai Hong (Issac’s lil bro) and Ramadan for the moral support.
The competition was so keen that the Judges are not able to put down any marks for the contestants…
For those who didn’t attend, you missed the FUN! But rest assured, we will be having Story Telling Part 2 as well as Global Village on our coming events. Don’t miss out the opportunity. It’s a once in a lifetime experience!